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Stephanie Ford

What ELSE Do I Do Besides Photography?

This can feel like an overwhelming question, honestly. I have done a variety of things in tandem with photography. If you've read previous posts, then you know I do dogsitting and sometimes nannying. On occasion, I also tutor students in a variety of subjects. As my background is in education, I love being able to focus on helping students one on one in an academic area of difficulty and see them light up when they start understanding something that previously eluded them.

Sure, I've had day jobs. But as an entrepreneur at heart, I've really been moving away from that path to other things that allow me to dictate my own schedule or even mutlitask. One of the newest ventures I'm just starting is being an Airbnb Co-Host. I'm excited about this because it is trending. This is something I've been curious about doing myself out of a spare bedroom someday, but I can get experience doing it by helping a local couple who have space already.

And, of course, there is always the mental juggling of how I can balance any/all of these with my photography business and any other current obligations. But more than that is making sure that I still can do all of them to the best of my ability. At the core of each of these is customer service. Customer service is all out serving others. And that I enjoy...helping others (in a variety of ways)!

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